Dating a Girl Who Looks Like Your Ex: Tips and Tricks


Have you ever come across someone who looks exactly like your ex? It can be a strange and confusing experience, especially if the breakup was recent. But what if you find yourself attracted to this person? Should you pursue them, or is it a bad idea? In this post, we'll explore the pros and cons of dating someone who looks like your ex and provide some tips and tricks for navigating this situation.

The Pros and Cons of Dating Someone Who Looks Like Your Ex

On the one hand, dating someone who looks like your ex can be comforting. It's natural to be drawn to things that are familiar, and seeing someone who reminds you of your ex can make you feel like you're not alone. Additionally, if your breakup was amicable, dating someone who looks like your ex can be a way to keep the good memories alive.
On the other hand, dating someone who looks like your ex can also be problematic. If the breakup was messy or traumatic, seeing someone who looks like your ex can trigger negative feelings and memories. Additionally, if you're not over your ex, dating someone who looks like them can be a way to avoid dealing with your feelings and moving on.

Tips and Tricks for Dating Someone Who Looks Like Your Ex

If you do decide to pursue someone who looks like your ex, there are some things to keep in mind. Here are some tips and tricks for navigating this situation:
1. Be honest with yourself. Before you start dating someone who looks like your ex, ask yourself why you're attracted to them. Are you really over your ex, or are you using this person as a way to avoid dealing with your feelings? Be honest with yourself about your motivations.
2. Communicate with your new partner. If you do start dating someone who looks like your ex, make sure to communicate with them about your feelings. Let them know if there are certain things that trigger negative emotions for you, and be open about your past relationship.
3. Take things slow. If you're not sure if dating someone who looks like your ex is a good idea, take things slow. Start off as friends and see where things go. Don't rush into anything before you're ready.
4. Don't compare your new partner to your ex. Just because someone looks like your ex doesn't mean they're the same person. Don't make unfair comparisons or expect them to be exactly like your ex.


Dating someone who looks like your ex can be a tricky situation, but it's not necessarily a bad idea. By being honest with yourself, communicating with your new partner, and taking things slow, you can navigate this situation with confidence. And who knows? You might just find that dating someone who looks like your ex is exactly what you need to move on and find love again.
